Sunday, July 10, 2011

Chapter 1.1 - Tamara Bennett

My name is Tamara Bennett. I came from a wealthy home. "Came from" being the key words. My older brother squandered away our inheritance on frivolous pursuits. He longed to be of the celebrity status, and thought if he kept spending money to place himself in the "in crowd" he'd achieve his goal. Unfortunately, he lost everything we had, and passed away at a comparably young age.

Our parents died when he had just come of age and became the heir to the Bennett inheritance. I was still a child at the time. For being a genius, he had an intellect only rivaled by the garden tools. Luckily mother and father left me a very small sum of money my brother didn't know of.

That small sum of money bought me a plot of land in Twinbrook. While I searched in Riverview and Sunset Valley, I did not find a plot of land or atmosphere I was very fond of. While the plot of land I found in Twinbrook was considerably smaller than the rival plots in Riverview and Sunset Valley, it felt more homey to me. Twinbrook brought me as far away from my past as possible so that I could start anew.

I plan on continuing the Bennett Legacy here in Twinbrook. The first born child to each generation will become the heir, and must keep a journal like this one. As for twins...well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

I want all my heirs to start their journals with an introduction and a small piece about themselves, so I'm going to share that information now.

Lifetime Wish: The Tinkerer
Traits: Absent Minded, Computer Whiz, Handy, Light Sleeper, Schmoozer
Sign: Taurus
Food: Key Lime Pie
Music: Classical
Color: Lime

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