Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Chapter 1.4 - The Toddler Years

Time flies by so fast with a baby around!

Before we knew it, Tyriel was a toddler and we were teaching him everything he needed to know about the world. I took an interest in teaching him to talk.

Buddy much preferred potty training Tyriel (Plumbob knows why)...

...and took specific pleasure in teaching Tyriel to walk.

In our spare time, I played chess and spent time hacking playing on the computer, as well as continuing with odd repair jobs around both the house and for townies.

Buddy  much preferred to paint and play guitar. He even painted a portrait of me! I was so flattered.

Buddy celebrated his birthday one night after I'd gone to bed while still painting, without even reminding me! We'd been so busy with Tyriel that I completely forgot. I felt so awkward about missing his birthday. But he told me it was alright, and he would be happy with just cuddling.

And, well, one thing led to another. Can you fault us? Rhetorical question, mind you.

This was the happiest time of my life. Just spending time with Tyriel and Buddy was all I needed. One morning, I woke up sick to my stomach and made a run to the bathroom. Déjà vu...

I went to the Hospital to be sure, and bought another set of clothes. I really should have kept the first batch instead of giving them away. In the meantime, there's much to be done, and little time to do it in.

Note: Somewhat of a short one compared to the others, but with the way the story is progressing, this seemed the best stopping point. The next one should be longer.

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