Thursday, August 18, 2011

Quick Interrupt

I apologize for my lack of two updates that should have gone up this week. Life's been a tad topsy-turvy this week but has finally calmed down. Entries will be back on their normal posting schedule on Sunday, however, I may post the two entries I missed this week.

Chapter Two has begun! Huzzah!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Chapter 2.1 - Tyriel Bennett

Well, here I am--inheriting a journal. A silly little book of paper. A journal that has apparently documented quite a bit about how Mom raised Tabby and me. And even some stuff that a few years ago I would not have wanted to know about Mom and Dad.

I'm not sure what to write about as my introduction to this journal of the Bennett family. In fact, I'm not quite sure that I want to be the so-called heir. I don't feel that I'd be the best candidate. My sister has always been the one in charge. Ever since we were kids she would be the one making the plans and I would be the one following. Tabby is the popular one. I'm the loner that sits in the corner and hides from everybody. I mean, what good am I going to be as an Heir to a generation of Bennetts?

But, Mom insists that it must be the first born that inherits the journal and the task of documenting the family and it's travels. So, in order to make her happy, I'll try. I'll try until I feel I can't do it and Tabby would be much better. Which might just be until Tabby's birthday. But we'll see.

Anyway, here's the general "About Me" that Mom wants included in every "Introduction" entry when this thing changes hands.

Lifetime Wish: Superstar Athlete
Traits: Athletic, Born Salesman, Loner, Unlucky, Virtuoso
Sign: Sagittarius
Food: Shawarma
Music: French
Color: Irish Green

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Chapter 1.8 - The First Heir

The Bennett Household has been a busy place as of late. For instance, as is tradition for my writing in this journal, a birthday happened. But, not just one birthday happened--three did!

Tabaitha's birthday was a quiet family party. She spent the day doing arts with her brother and father...

...while I cooked a birthday lunch for her.

We all enjoyed lunch, and prior to cake, Tabby got in a few last minutes with her doll house.

Tabby looked happy as she blew out the candles. And she became quite the looker as a teenager, let me tell you. Buddy told her that we'd forgo the birthday photographs like we did for Tyriel, only if she promised not to stay out late with boys. We all laughed, but Tabby had a mischievous twinkle in her eye.  She's going to be a handful!

Luckily, the Sculptor's wheel that Buddy got her for her birthday (since he got Tyriel an Architect's table for his) kept her occupied a lot of the time. She still came in late from time to time, but we didn't ask, and she didn't tell. She didn't need to. I knew. But I trusted her to be smart. She never came home with any of the boys in tow, but she definitely had fun out with them.

Tyriel and Tabaitha made great homework partners, and they usually finished very quickly when they worked together.

However, when Tabby went out on her late night outings with her friend Toni Roush, I helped Tyriel with the last of his homework. We chatted quite a bit as well. He has a crush on Tabby's friend Toni, but I don't know that she's right for him. I'm reserving judgement, however, and will let him go about it as he so chooses.

Sooner than we knew, it was a shared birthday for both Buddy and Tyriel! I couldn't believe it. Our little Tyriel was about to become a young adult! But it was so scary as well--Buddy was about to become an elder. Which means that my birthday isn't too far behind, sadly. There's still so much I want to do, but I don't know how much I can do. All I can do is work on them with a renewed fervor.

Before we had cake for Buddy and Tyriel, we all had a little time to ourselves. Buddy and I played a game of chess.

And Tyriel spent some time working out with a quick shower before the big birthday celebration with the four of us.

Buddy and Tyriel blew out the candles at the same time, and we sat down as a family to munch on the cake. Buddy was excited to work on some new painting ideas he had, and Tyriel was itching for a haircut now that he was officially a young adult. I decided to hold off on talking to him until he got the haircut so that I could figure out what to say to him.

When Ty got home, I was sitting in front of the television. Not watching, per se, but more having it on in the background while I thought. Ty sat down next to me, and we sat in companionable silence for a little while before I started the conversation.

"Ty, I have something to tell you. I didn't worry you and your sister with this when you were little, but, I want you to be the heir of this family. I want you to continue our legacy in Twinbrook. I love you, and I believe you can do great things in both your personal life and professional life." There. I said it.

Ty's response wasn't at all comforting, and for the life of me I can't even remember what he said except that he didn't feel he was a good fit. He rambled a bit about why, but I was in too much shock that he didn't want to become the heir.

I guess he took pity on me, however, and said he'd give it a try. I really hope he more than "gives it a try". I honestly think he'll do some amazing things in his life, and he'll be a very good fit for the family heir, much as he doesn't think so.

So then, I hereby pass this journal onto Tyriel Bennett as the official heir to the Bennett family. I love you Tyriel, I know you'll be a great heir.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Chapter 1.7 - All Work and No Play?

It's been a while since I last wrote in this silly little thing! Life's been so busy, in a good way of course. so much has happened! Buddy's almost reached the top of his career, and I've gotten about as many promotions that I can at the Spa.

I even maxed my skills in handiness. Can you imagine? It was all the work I did for everybody around town. That and all the repairs at home!

And of course, as is the Bennett Tradition, it seems, we had a birthday. It never fails I write in this journal, and a birthday has passed. Maybe a passing birthday reminds me of how little I write here? But never mind that. Tyriel became a teenager! That's right. Our little Ty is growing up!

He wasn't very photogenic when blowing out his candles. Then again, he is a shybie. He also refused to go to the photographer's, so we let it slide. Pushing your luck with a teen isn't worth the effort.

Instead, he spent the night jamming on the guitar out in the yard. We all watched at one point or another. He's quite good, actually. A born natural.

Tyriel also took up an interest in Architectural Design in his free time after school, and a part-time job at the Bookstore.

Buddy and I helped Tabaitha with her schoolwork a lot. She never really seemed to be interested in finishing it and would stress out easily without help. As a reward she would get to paint...

...or spend some time playing chess.

Tyriel and Buddy liked to play catch when Tyriel's work was done. It wasn't very often with his job at the Bookstore, but it's great Father-Son bonding time I'm glad they're having.

Tabby also spends quite a bit of free time plunking away at the computer. I'm not quite sure what she's doing, but it looks like she's trying to write a book. I glanced over her shoulder one day and saw a document titled, "I, SimBot". She's such a great kid, even if she does stress out easily. Definitely a creative one. I can't wait to see what she does with her talents. Her and Tyriel.

For now, journal, I leave you with a family shot of the lot of us (minus Tabby, who was in bed) playing some video games before Tyriel hit the sack. I love my family. I hope the best for Tyriel when it comes his time to write in this.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Chapter 1.6 - Workin' Hard

Buddy and I promised each other we'd do the best to provide for Tyriel and Tabaitha. And we kept to that promise.

Buddy worked extra hard at potty training Tabby, much to her chagrin. He also spent many long hours teaching Tabby how to talk.

While I spent my free time teaching Tabby how to walk.

We also spent time with Tyriel. His favorite thing to do was to go to the gym, so we dropped him off regularly after his homework was finished every day.

Most of his time was spent on the trampoline. That was fine by us, though. It gave him a great outlet, and let him socialize with the other kids around town. Mr. Keep-to-Himself also made a friend at school--Emma Bull.

He'd go to her house after school sometimes when Buddy and I were busy with Tabby or work-related things.

We made sure to talk to Emma's family before Ty went over for the first time, and establish that they had the same outlook on homework that we did; that it was to be done immediately. Thankfully they had the same policy in their household and we gladly let Ty spend time with Emma.

Once done with homework, they were allowed to entertain themselves as they saw fit.

Usually, it was in front of the television.

However, sometimes Ty and Emma took turns playing video games and chess on the computer. Like mother like son!

Tabby's birthday was coming soon, and I wanted to do something for her and Ty. So I decided to upgrade the computer to allow them to complete their homework faster as well as for some entertainment under Buddy's and my supervision.

It worked rather well if you ask me. Some of the best graphics I'd ever seen. Quite proud of my work, I headed to the park for the chess contest going on in town. It'd been the talk of the bookshop for weeks. I had to try my hand before Tabby's party.

I only ended up playing two games at the tournament; both against Charmaine Manne. The clock was ticking down to Tabby's party after two games, so I had to say my goodbyes and head back home instead of completing the tournament. Maybe next time. I got home and found that Buddy had painted a self-portrait that I'd been bothering him about for a while now. I'm so happy. I can't wait to pass those paintings down to Tyriel when he comes of age.

Even though we kept it small, Tabaitha's party was so much fun! Tyriel had so much fun playing with his little sister, and after the party we took Tabby to the photographer.

She was not happy about the fact and refused to go in a normal outfit. After a lot of arguing, Buddy and I just gave in and took her in her pajamas.

Ironically, when we got home, she changed into her every day clothes and painted outside in the dark. Buddy and I wrote it off to being the "Birthday Blues", but we could tell each other was worried about Tabby.

The next day, Ty and Tabby woke up happy and adjusted. So Buddy and I let out our breath and sent the two of them off to school. Tabaitha was so excited for her first day. It reminded me of when Ty went to school for the first day. I almost even teared up a little.

Buddy went to the Consignment Shop to drop off the paintings he'd been working on the past few weeks and  ended up with a promotion for all his hard work! I spent my time before work unclogging the toilet.

When the kids got home, they sat down and worked on homework together. I hope they'll continue doing that even as they get into high school. Though I'm not going to hold my breath. Life is good, and it's just going to get even better. I can tell.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Chapter 1.5 - Birthdays Abound

Things have been so busy lately! Lots of cleaning, and building going on on the lot. And to cut costs, Buddy and myself have been helping out. It's just taken up so much time.

So much so, that when I went into labor, we didn't even realize it had already been nine months! On the way to the Hospital, Buddy called a babysitter for Tyriel. I was so glad we'd finished the house in time for the newest addition to our family.

Tabaitha is her name. She's just as beautiful a baby as Tyriel was. Buddy and I took turns with the nightly watch with her. We learned that working in shifts was the best way to take care of Tyriel, and made sure to work it out with Tabaitha, too.

We had so much on our plate with Ty and Tabby that we spent little time outside of work on anything but the two of them.

And sooner than we knew, it was Tyriel's birthday. I couldn't believe it! A child already, and about to start school! We took him to the Photographer's for a birthday photograph. He wasn't too keen on it, but it came out quite adorable if you ask me.

Ty's first day of school was so exciting for Buddy and me! We waved to him as he hopped on the school bus, and spent time in the kitchen with the new stove! Buddy decided to cook some breakfast for the first time in a very long time. It was absolutely delicious. I never knew Organic foods could be so tasty!

We fell into a rhythm. Ty was sent off to school. Buddy would paint and sell his paintings at the Consignment Shop, and quickly worked his way up the Painting Ladder with City Hall. I spent time perfecting my chess skills and working my way up the food chain at the Spa. Ty even made it into the Amateur Olympics! Buddy and I were so proud of him, regardless of placing fourth. We even took him out for some ice cream afterwards.

Sooner than we realized, it was Tabaitha's birthday! Time had flown by so quickly! We brought Tabby to the same Photographer we took Ty to for a celebratory Birthday Photograph. She didn't seem to mind, but that might have been because of the Rubber Duckies the cameraman was squeaking.

Life slipped back into a routine. Though, with another person using the plumbing, I had to do a lot more repairs around the house than before.

Buddy spent his free time at night practicing guitar...

And Tabby, wanting to be like her Daddy would plunk away at her Xylophone.

Things got hectic, though, and one day a fire started in the kitchen. We all panicked. Buddy got the children out of the house, but I just couldn't take my eyes off of the flames. I'm not sure why, but they were so entrancing. Luckily for everybody, a Fireman arrived just in time. He scolded me, of course, and I couldn't agree with him more that I was being stupid.

The fire put things into perspective. Buddy and I discussed it over breakfast one morning and decided to work extra hard to give the children the best life we could. We only hoped it would be enough in the coming years.