Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Chapter 1.6 - Workin' Hard

Buddy and I promised each other we'd do the best to provide for Tyriel and Tabaitha. And we kept to that promise.

Buddy worked extra hard at potty training Tabby, much to her chagrin. He also spent many long hours teaching Tabby how to talk.

While I spent my free time teaching Tabby how to walk.

We also spent time with Tyriel. His favorite thing to do was to go to the gym, so we dropped him off regularly after his homework was finished every day.

Most of his time was spent on the trampoline. That was fine by us, though. It gave him a great outlet, and let him socialize with the other kids around town. Mr. Keep-to-Himself also made a friend at school--Emma Bull.

He'd go to her house after school sometimes when Buddy and I were busy with Tabby or work-related things.

We made sure to talk to Emma's family before Ty went over for the first time, and establish that they had the same outlook on homework that we did; that it was to be done immediately. Thankfully they had the same policy in their household and we gladly let Ty spend time with Emma.

Once done with homework, they were allowed to entertain themselves as they saw fit.

Usually, it was in front of the television.

However, sometimes Ty and Emma took turns playing video games and chess on the computer. Like mother like son!

Tabby's birthday was coming soon, and I wanted to do something for her and Ty. So I decided to upgrade the computer to allow them to complete their homework faster as well as for some entertainment under Buddy's and my supervision.

It worked rather well if you ask me. Some of the best graphics I'd ever seen. Quite proud of my work, I headed to the park for the chess contest going on in town. It'd been the talk of the bookshop for weeks. I had to try my hand before Tabby's party.

I only ended up playing two games at the tournament; both against Charmaine Manne. The clock was ticking down to Tabby's party after two games, so I had to say my goodbyes and head back home instead of completing the tournament. Maybe next time. I got home and found that Buddy had painted a self-portrait that I'd been bothering him about for a while now. I'm so happy. I can't wait to pass those paintings down to Tyriel when he comes of age.

Even though we kept it small, Tabaitha's party was so much fun! Tyriel had so much fun playing with his little sister, and after the party we took Tabby to the photographer.

She was not happy about the fact and refused to go in a normal outfit. After a lot of arguing, Buddy and I just gave in and took her in her pajamas.

Ironically, when we got home, she changed into her every day clothes and painted outside in the dark. Buddy and I wrote it off to being the "Birthday Blues", but we could tell each other was worried about Tabby.

The next day, Ty and Tabby woke up happy and adjusted. So Buddy and I let out our breath and sent the two of them off to school. Tabaitha was so excited for her first day. It reminded me of when Ty went to school for the first day. I almost even teared up a little.

Buddy went to the Consignment Shop to drop off the paintings he'd been working on the past few weeks and  ended up with a promotion for all his hard work! I spent my time before work unclogging the toilet.

When the kids got home, they sat down and worked on homework together. I hope they'll continue doing that even as they get into high school. Though I'm not going to hold my breath. Life is good, and it's just going to get even better. I can tell.

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